Developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company, this Game Boy Advance gem takes you on an unforgettable journey through the Hoenn region, where you'll encounter diverse landscapes, legendary Pokémon, and an epic battle against the forces of nature.
Welcome to the enchanting world of Pokémon Ruby, a timeless classic that has captivated Pokémon fans for generations. In the game, you will need to use the following keys to navigate the game correctly: But, with the help of the story that unfolds during the game, you will receive the necessary directions. The main mission in this game is to go on a Pokemon hunt, including in the house of the main character of the game. In this game, you will have to watch very carefully the story that takes place during the game because with its help you will be able to go through the whole game. Come and discover the new Pokemon Ruby game with its story, and be ready for an adventure with your favorite characters. The beloved Pokemon games are also on our site.